Separate Entity Concept or Entity Concept or business entity concept Business Entity Concept considered business enterprises as a
separate Entity & having separate identity distinct from its owner.
Therefore business transactions are recorded in the books of accounts from
business point of view and not from the owner. Therefore amount invested by
owner into the business is also treated as liability (internal) for business.
Going Concern Concept :-- According to this
concept, it is assumed that enterprise will continue its operation for
indefinite period of time. It is assumed that an enterprise neither has
intention nor the need to liquidate or wind up and curtail its scale of
operation. It is because of this concept
a distinction is made between assets and expense, fixed and current assets /
Money Measurement Concept : -- According to this
concept, only those transactions which can be expressed in money should be
recorded in the books of accounts . Transactions and events, that cannot be
expressed in money are not recorded in books of accounts, even if they are very
useful or affect the result of business.
Periodicity Concept/Accounting period concept:--
According to this concept, the life of an enterprise is broken into smaller
periods so that its performance can be measured at regular interval. Generally
one year period is taken up for performance measurement and appraisal of
financial position. So life of the enterprise is divided into smaller
periods(usually one year) which is termed as ‘accounting period.’ At the end of
accounting period, we prepare financial statements.
Accrual Concept:-- Accrual means recognition of
revenue and expenses as they are earned or incurred and not when cash or money
is received or paid. Revenue means gross inflow of cash, receivables and other
consideration arises in the ordinary course of business activities from sale of
goods, rendering services and using other enterprises resources yielding
interest, royalties and dividends. Expenses are cost relating to revenue earned
for a particular period.
VI.Revenue realisation concept:- this concept speaks about recording of
only those transactions which are actually realised. For example, sale will be
taken into account only when cash is received or legal ownership is
Matching concept : For ascertaining profit and loss
for a particular period, expenses should be matched with revenue of that
period. In financial statement, it is necessary to match revenue of the period
with the expenses of that period to determine correct profit or loss.
Full disclosure concept : as per this concept, all
significant information must be disclosed. Accounting data should properly be
clarified, summarised, aggregated and explained for the purpose of presenting
the financial statements which are useful for the users of accounting
Duality concept: according to this concept every
transaction has two aspects i.e. the benefit receiving aspect and benefit
giving aspect. These two aspects are to be recorded in the books of accounts.
Verifiable objective evidence concept: under this
concept, accounting data must be verifiable. It means documentary evidence of
transactions must be made which are capable of verification by an independent
Historical cost concept : According to this
concept, value of asset is determined on the basis of historical cost or
acquisition cost or price paid for acquisition of asset.
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