The history of the capital market in India dates back to the eighteenth century when East India Company securities were traded in the country. Until the end of the nineteenth century, securities trading was unorganized and the main trading centres were Bombay(now Mumbai) and Calcutta (now Kolkata). Of the two, Bombay was the chief trading centre wherein bank shares were the major trading stock. During the American Civil War (1860-61). Bombay was an important source of supply for cotton. Hence, trading activities flourished during the period, resulting in a boom in share prices. This boom, the first in the history of the Indian capital market, lasted for a half a decade. The first joint stock company was established on 1850. The bubble burst on July 1, 1865, when there was tremendous slump in share prices.
Trading was at that time limited to a dozen brokers, their trading place was under a banyan tree in front of the Town Hall in Bombay. These stockbrokers organized an informal association in 1875- Native Shares and Stock Brokers Association. Bombay. The stock exchanges in Calcutta and Ahmedabad, also industrial and trading centres; came up later. The Bombay Stock Exchange was recognized in May 1927 under the Bombay Securities Contracts Control Act, 1925.
Indian remained largely inactive till the 1970s. Partial liberalisation of the economy and pro-capital market policies during the 1980s infused some life into the markets, but it was only the economic liberalisation of the 1990s that provided a lasting impetus. Today, segments of India’s capital markets are comparable with counterparts in many of the advanced economies in terms of efficiency (price discovery), tradability (low impact cost), resilience (co-movement of rates across product classes and yield curves), and stability. In particular, their ability to withstand several periods of stress, notably the Asian financial crisis in 1997-98, the global financial crisis in 2007-09 and the “taper tantrum” episode in 2013, is a sign of their increasing maturity.
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