PART 1: Scientific Research NOT Carried on by the Assessee - Deductibility of Donations

Donation Given to

Purpose of Donation

Deduction Allowed

National laboratory, IIT, university or a specified person approved by the prescribed authority (Section 35(2AA))

Carrying out scientific research under an approved research


150% of donation given

Approved research association, approved college,

approved university or approved institution

Carrying out scientific research

150% of donation


Approved research association, approved college,

approved university or approved institution

Carrying out social science or

statistical research

100% of donation


An approved company registered in India and having

research & development as its main object

Carrying out scientific research

100% of donation


                  Note 1: The person to whom donation is given can utilize the donation for the prescribed research. There is no condition that such research should be related to the business of the assessee.

                  Note 2: Where the assessee is not carrying any business/profession, such donations are allowed as deduction u/s 80GGA to the extent of 100% of the amount of donation.


PART 2: Scientific Research Carried on by Assessee Deduction of Expenses Provisions Generally Applicable

Where any assessee carries out any research of scientific nature related to the business carried on by him, expenses are deductible in the following manner:

Case (a) - Expenditure incurred BEFORE the commencement of business:

      Capital Expenditure:

             Capital expenditure (other than expenditure on acquisition of land) incurred during three years immediately preceding the date of commencement of business shall be allowed as an expense in the year in which the business commences.

Example: If an assessee commences his business on 15.12.2017, entire 100% capital expenditure incurred during the period from 15.12.2014 to 14.12.2017 shall be allowed as an expense during PY 2017-18.

             Such capital expenditure can be incurred on acquisition of P&M, construction of building, acquisition of vehicles, etc for the purpose of scientific research.

             Where any assessee has purchased any land & building, expenditure is allowed only for the building portion and not for the land portion.

      Revenue Expenditure:

             Following revenue expenditure incurred during three years immediately preceding the date of commencement of business shall be allowed as an expense in the year in which the business commences:

         Salary paid to employees engaged in scientific research (excluding perquisites)

         Purchase of materials used in scientific research

             Pre-commencement revenue expenditure is allowed only to the extent it has been certified by the prescribed authority.

             Example: An assessee commences his business on 15.12.2018, revenue expenditure incurred during the period from 15.12.2015 to 14.12.2018 was Rs 10 lakhs but the prescribed authority certified only Rs 8 lakhs. In this case, Rs 8 lakhs shall be allowed as an expense during PY 2018-19. Any expenditure incurred prior to 15.12.2015 shall not be allowed as deduction.

Case (b) - Expenditure incurred AFTER the commencement of business:

             Capital Expenditure:

             100% of the capital expenditure incurred by an assessee on scientific research in ir relation to his business is allowed as an expense in the year in which the capital expenditure is incurred by the assessee.

             Capital expenditure incurred on acquisition of land is not allowable as deduction Where any assessee has purchased any land & building, expenditure is allowed only for the building portion and not for the land portion.

             Revenue Expenditure:

Entire revenue expenditure incurred by an assessee on scientific research in relation to his business is allowed as an expense in the year in which such expenditure is incurred. (Certification from prescribed authority not required)

Special Provision for Some Companies [Section 35(2AB)]

             This special provision applies only to those companies which are engaged in the business of bio-technology or in any business of manufacture or production of any article/thing other than those specified in the Eleventh Schedule. Following conditions are also required to be fulfilled:

          Research and development facility should be approved by a prescribed authority.

          The company has entered into an agreement with the prescribed authority for audit of accounts maintained for such facility.

             Deduction for post-commencement expenditure:

Capital Expenditure

Revenue Expenditure

Ø  On land: Nil

Ø  On building: 100%

Ø  On other assets: 150%

150% of the expenditure incurred can be claimed as deduction

Special Points

               Depreciation not allowed:

No depreciation can be claimed u/s 32 in respect of those assets for which deduction has been claimed u/s 35.

                                 Treatment of unabsorbed capital expenditure on scientific research:

             The rules for set-off & carry-forward of unabsorbed capital expenditure on scientific research are similar to set-off & carry-forward of unabsorbed depreciation.

             Unabsorbed capital expenditure on scientific research of a particular year is allowed to be set-off in the same year against income under any other head except casual income.

             If unabsorbed capital expenditure on scientific research cannot be adjusted in the same year, it is allowed to be carried forward for indefinite period of time (le for an unlimited period) and in the subsequent years, such unabsorbed expenditure shall be allowed to be set off against any income other than casual income.

                                 Treatment of scientific research asset no longer used for scientific research:

Asset sold without using for the purposes of any other business

Asset transferred to any other


Ø  Section 41(3) shall apply. Least of the following two amounts shall be taxable as P&BP income: - Sale price of asset; or - Deduction allowed u/s 35

Ø  Capital gains shall arise if the sale price exceed, the cost of the asset. Capital gains shall be long term if the asset was sold after a period of 3 years; otherwise capital gains shall be


The asset shall be added to the existing block of assets of the other business. Actual cost of the asset so transferred shall be taken to be 'NIL'.

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