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Due to Coronavirus, We'll be available on the following contact numbers:- Purchase Enquiry numbers:- 9999631597, 7303445575, 8448322142 Tracking id related details, contact:- 8595539968 Technical support or login id related issue, contact:- 9811455109, 9354257700 Please contact on given numbers only, until any further information is passed NO LANDLINE NUMBERS WILL BE IN OPERATION FOR THE TIME BEING. Demo Lecture of by CA/CMA Santosh Kumar. Visit for full lectures Call us on 0120-4225002/03/04 Like and follow us on facebook-

Cost Accounting by CMA Sumit Rastogi
Due to Coronavirus, We'll be available on the following contact numbers:- Purchase Enquiry numbers:- 9999631597, 7303445575, 8448322142 Tracking id related details, contact:- 8595539968 Technical support or login id related issue, contact:- 9811455109, 9354257700 Please contact on given numbers only, until any further information is passed NO LANDLINE NUMBERS WILL BE IN OPERATION FOR THE TIME BEING. Demo Lecture of Cost Accounting by CMA Sumit Rastogi Visit for full lectures Call us on 0120-4225002/03/04 Like and follow us on facebook-

CMA Inter Costing| Demo Class| By CA Satish Jalan |
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